This is only a few days worth of laundry. Isn't it gross. I can never seem to get all caught up. I can't decide what I hate more, the folding, or putting it all away. i can't imagine doing the laundry for any more people. I'm in awe of my friends that have 4,5, or 6 kids and manage to get it all done. Any tips for me? I obviously need help.
Thanks Giving
8 years ago
I'm no help. I have the EXACT same problem.
I don't mind washing but I HATE putting away! The kids do their own while I supervise. And it's one of those dumb chores that never stops. As soon as everything is put away, it's time to do more!!
I had every piece of laundry done yesterday afternoon and by the time I got home from church last night, the hamper was full again! It's never-ending!!!
I feel your pain!! Laundry seem to be the bane of my existence!! Here is my .20 worth of sanity saving systems...
I have a shelf right by the dryer, and have a basket for each of the kids, them a bigger one for Jerry and me. As I take loads out of the dryer, I quickly fold and throw them into each basket. Part of the kids daily chores include taking their basket to their room and putting their clothes away (I have let go of the fact that they all need to be neatly folded as they go into the drawers... my sanity is worth a few wrinkles... :) ).
I also had to accept the fact that laundry is a daily chore for me also. If I do it every day, I usually only have to do 2 loads (sometimes 3) (one dark and one light). If I miss a few days, then I once again have to climb Mt. Laundry :(.
Happy Laundry-ing!!
I don't mind washing but I hate folding. I don't mind the putting away either. What works for me is two laundry days, Mon and Thurs for me. Mondays are a bit heavier with double clothes change on Sundays. I devote those days to ONLY laundry. I clean the house on Tuesdays, scrubbing toilets, etc. Then I get wed and fri off....or to do other stuff. That way you just do it on that one day.
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